Exploring Cultural Diversity Using Traditional Games in Armenia


  • Organisation: YouthMix
  • Location: Dilijan, Armenia
  • Deadline for application: 5th of October 2019
  • Start of project: 02/11/2019
  • End of project: 13/11/2019



The main aim of the project “Exploring cultural diversity through traditional games” is to unite the youth who encounter Geographical, financial and social privation from rural and remote areas of 8 different countries; Norway, Latvia, Romania, Spain, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. 40 young people will get together during 10 day exchange project. The project will allow focusing on the emergency of providing necessary cultural awareness to rural young people who can further fight raising radicalism, discrimination and hate speech in Europe, making it a safe place for cultural diversity, tolerance and peace.  With this initiative we aim at improving peer to peer learning among participants, providing safe, informal environment of self-expression, likewise encouraging each participants’ involvement in project conception, preparation, organization, and assessment. We do think, that national games are a unique tool for self-expression and cultural education, that doesn’t require any prior competencies and can insure involvement of every person despite of his/her education, gender, religion, race, etc.



  • To increase participants’ consciousness of European multiculturalism, cultural values and tolerance;
  • To foster mutual understanding,intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, and solidarity, between young people in different countries;
  • To increase participants’ awareness about partner sates’ national games and their educational/cultural elements;
  • To transfer national games into open access non- formal learning tools;
  • To explore the possibilities of the Erasmus + program as a tool for cultural education and mobility;
  • To identify the competencies that can be obtained through European non-formal learning projects and their certification by Youthpass;
  • To view opportunities of Erasmus + program from mobility, cultural learning, and non-formal education angles, etc.



Our target audience is young people aged from 18 to 30 with a focus on 18-25 age group:

  1. Who are facing social, economic and geographical obstacles (at least 2 participants per group);
  2. Who are interested in the topics of traditional games, cultural and intercultural learning, peacebuilding;
  3. Who show a big motivation for participation and are available for the whole duration of the Youth Exchange,
  4. Who are residents of one of the participating countries: Norway, Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Latvia, Spain, Romania and come from rural/remote areas.
  5. Who can communicate in English.

Each partner country should be represented by 4 participants and 1 group leader. There is no age limit for the group leaders.




Kalinini street 12/1, 3903, Dilijan, Armenia





Participants will be accommodated in double/triple rooms. They will be provided with 3 time buffet food and 2 coffee breaks per day. The hotel provides bedsheets and towels as well. We strongly ask group leaders to inform host organization about participants’ special needs, such as allergy, special diet, food, etc. A separate menu will be prepared for vegetarians.


Please note, that organizers are not responsible for participants’ accommodation, food and transport for extra days both before and after the project dates .




Accommodation, food and travel costs are covered.

Apply by sending us your CV and Motivation letter (with the subject of your email as “Youth Exchange Armenia”) by 4th of October on advit_team@yahoo.com

For any questions or clarification feel free to contact us

Youth exchange Learn, Animate, Include – Belgium

General information:

  • Location: Belgium, Kasterlee
  • Deadline for application: October 4th 2019
  • Start of project: 03/11/2019
  • End of project: 11/11/2019

Dear participants,

Local community have a huge potential in terms of informing, making awareness, including and building a community therefore specific methods designed for community work are highly recommended in this field and specially in times when they are not so widely applied. Youth work plays an essential role in reaching and bringing together young people who face exclusion on a daily basis. Animation is considered one of the powerful tool for youth workers reaching out young people with fewer opportunities and uniting the community. An animator is therefore like a facilitator – like an electrician who arranges electrical cables, switches, plugs, sockets, cut-outs, holders into a circuit and connects it to the mains, so that whenever necessary, the current flows and lights come on, fans rotate, appliances start operating. In this example the electrician is neither the power nor its source but he/she facilitates the flow of power to get things to work by keeping everything connected.

With this youth exchange we would like to motivate young people to become active within their local communities using animation as a tool for inclusion. During the youth exchange participants will get the chance to experience and share different animation tools that can be used for inclusion.

After practicing different animation tools we will organize a final event with local children or youth where participants get the change to practice the animation tools gained during the youth exchange. All the participants are expected to take part in this event.

The project will follow the non – formal educational approach, the methods will provide active participation of young people, youth leaders and inspire them through creative activities. This exchange will provide them theoretical and practical inputs and activities.

This YE gathers 40 participants aged between 18 and 30. The participating countries are: Moldova, Armenia, Belgium, Spain, Serbia, Turkey, Italy & Cyprus.

Having participants from so many different backgrounds will encourage young people to participate in an international context, promoting tolerance, being more open and knowing different cultures without prejudices, developing the feeling of belonging to Europe and rising the citizen participation.

Working language of the youth exchange will be English.


Travel Timing:

Arrival Time: 3th November 2019 (Friday). Before 06.00 PM

Departure Time: 11th November, 2019 (Monday), after 9.00 AM


1 group leader + 4 participants per country

Age of participants 18-30


What to prepare in advance:

  • Every country will be invited to run 1 session of 1,5 hour introducing an animation method to the other participants.
  • Intercultural evening: Country dinners/ lunches will be combined with the intercultural creative presentation of your country. Please remember to bring along typical drink/song/dance and etc for the country presentation. For other ingredients. For the lunches and dinners every country group will prepare 1 typical meal of their country. Please send us the ingredients & recipes (you can find in Belgium supermarkets) before October 3th, so we have enough time to collect all of the ingredients.
  • Good mood! 😉

Accommodation, food and travel costs are provided.

Apply by sending us your CV and Motivation letter by 4th of October on advit_team@yahoo.com

For any questions feel free to contact us

Long term ESC project in Karlsruhe, Germany


  • Organisation: Kreisjugendwerk der AWO Karlsruhe-Stadt
  • Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Deadline for application: September 21st 2019
  • Start of project: 01/02/2020
  • End of project: 31/01/2021


The Kreisjugendwerk (KJW) of the AWO Karlsruhe-Stadt is a nonprofit children’s and youth organization in Karlsruhe. As an independent youth foundation, the KJW organizes different activities and summer camps for children and young people between the ages of 6 and 20 years, non-formal education and workshops, as well as intercultural encounters and projects for young people and young adults between 15 and 30 years of age. One focus of our work is participation and personal development. Our activities are also offered to children and young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and to young people with a migration background. In all school holidays in Germany we provide camps for children and youngsters in Germany and several European countries, such as France, Spain, Croatia, Switzerland
and a lot more…


Since 2014 KJW is sending, coordinating and receiving organization within Erasmus+ /EVS program. The KJW is however not new to the concept of volunteer work. We work together with two German volunteers working in our office and lots of volunteers preparing and carrying out our camps. Two years ago we felt the time was right for joining the EVS. We are sending approximately 10-15 volunteers each year two several European countries and receive and coordinate about 9 or 10 volunteers in Germany. The KJW office is located in the city center of Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe is located in the south of Germany and has 300.000 inhabitants. It’s a city with lots of young people and a lot of bars, cultural institutions, and beautiful nature around.


The Volunteer will live in a house together with 6 European volunteers, all working in different projects. We have 6 rooms but 7 volunteers in the house. Therefore, always two volunteers have to share one room. We introduced a system so everybody has to share a room for 3 or 4 month and afterwards someone else shares the room and you can have a single room again. The house has a big kitchen, two lounge rooms, one bathroom and one separate toilet, a balcony and a court, which they need to share. The house is located in Stutensee, which is a suburb of Karlsruhe. It takes 20 minutes with the tram to the city center and to the office.


  • The volunteer will be involved in the everyday work at the KJW office, in planning and organizing it ́s activities. One part will be the organization of the European Solidarity Corps, the other to prepare the holiday camps. Therefore, it is mostly administrative tasks, so most of the year you will be in the office working on a computer, helping your colleagues and preparing events, activities etc. Only in summer holidays (up to 6 weeks), you will be on camps in Germany and eventually other European countries.
  • The volunteer will help with press work, info events and Facebook activities
  • Support the Pre-Departure and Come-Back Seminars for the volunteers
  • Communication with ESC candidates who want to go abroad and provide them support, data processing
  • You will also prepare each week newsletter with new ESC opportunities
  • Collecting applications from candidates who want to be volunteers in Karlsruhe, data processing
  • The volunteer has the possibility to take part in a training course for becoming a leader in children and youth camps
  • Preparing children and youth camps: administrative tasks, working with our online platform, data processing
  • Participate in our camps: in the school holidays (around 6 weeks in summer)
  • The volunteer will have the possibility to create her/him own project within the frames of the KJW. A mentor will provide support and guidance.
  • Participate in our youth club and organize events there
  • Participate in and organize events in our intercultural group “Living Culture” together with the other European volunteers, such as a Spanish party, a Latvian dinner or hiking in the Black Forest.
  • Distributing Flyers, catalogues about our activities in Karlsruhe and surrounding
  • Cleaning kitchen/cleaning and keeping order in office and our storage/youth club/…


  • At least 18 years old
  • Driver’s license
  • Good knowledge of English (understanding, speaking, writing, reading)
  • Knowledge of administrative work (computer) and interest in working in an office!!


Send your CV and Motivation letter to our email – advit_team@yahoo.com with the name of the project






For any questions or clarification feel free to contact us 

Colours of Youth Work (An International Seminar for Sharing Practices in Youth Work)

The Slovak Civil Society Organisation “EduEra” is happy to
welcome you on our upcoming international seminar






The Slovak Civil Society Organisation “EduEra” is looking for participants from ERASMUS+ Programme
Countries and Eastern Partnership Countries for a 6-day-lasting international seminar for sharing
practices in youth work.

The seminar is targeted at youth workers and managers in youth organisations who are interested in
sharing practices and learning from each other in order to …

.… enrich their own youth work and toolbox
… provide better services to young people
… improve the work of their organization and create more impact
… build lasting international partnerships to support each other and run activities together

The seminar will take place from November 18th to 25th of 2019 in Bardejov in eastern Slovakia.
Funding is provided by the Slovak National Agency for ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, Key Action 1,
Mobility of Youth Workers.











We are targeting youth workers, youth leaders, community leaders, mentors, social workers, teachers,
the main criteria being that the participant be actively involved in value-based youth work in an
educational role.
Participants must be aged 18+ and be residents in the country of the nominating partner organisation.
Participants should be fluent in english, and be willing and committed to work hard (about 9 hours per
day at least). Participants should furthermore commit to carry out agreed preparatory tasks and be
willing to follow-up on the seminar via active youth work, ideally in co-operation with their
sending/partner organisation











All participants should be willing and able to share practices in youth work that can inspire the other
participants. In that sense we would like to underline that the event is not a training course, there will be
facilitators to support the participants in their sharing, but the content (= the practices) must come from
the participants.
The practices to be shared can relate to any aspect of youth work, it could be tools and approaches in how
to support and work directly with young people, how projects and activities are managed, how to cooperate with different types of stakeholders in youth work, how to create and measure impact, how to
provide information about opportunities to young people, whatever it is that you think you do well and is
worth sharing.
The participants will be chosen in a way that the contributions are as complementary and diverse as
possible and represent an inspiring portfolio of different practices in youth work tackling as many
different areas as possible.


a participation fee of EUR 30 is to be paid in cash in Slovakia
Full participation in the programme from evening of November 18th
to morning of November 25th is mandatory to be eligible for the
reimbursement of travel and subsistence costs, you cannot arrive
later or leave earlier from/to Bardejov
Obtaining full insurance (travel risks, medical, injuries) is the
participant’s responsibility, you are in charge of arranging your own
insurance for your travel and stay in Slovakia
Pictures, videos, images taken at the course, as well as the materials
produced during the activities, can be used to document the activity
in reports or websites or social networks, or for promotional material
Providing information on special needs, does not remove the
participant’s personal responsibility for ensuring their own health and


Also bring your traditional meal, drinks, snacks etc for


The programme and input of the seminar is not provided by organisers, but
only pax themselves during the TOOLFAIR where participant share their
good practises, methods, tools,..



The participants and the partner organisations are expected to …
– disseminate and promote the project and its outcomes,
– transfer the competences developed at this training course to further youth workers and educators,
– ensure the wider impact of this project by implementing concrete follow-up activities and
providing opportunities with and for young people in their regions and countries.
– The conditions for travel reimbursement is to provide evidence over at least one follow-up activity that
includes at least 10 persons












The training course will start with dinner at 19:00 of November 18th and end with breakfast on
November 25th. Thanks to funding provided by the ERASMUS+ programme through the Slovak National
Agency, during this period all costs for food, accommodation, local transport and course materials are

You are free to arrive to Slovakia some days earlier or stay some days longer, as long as the total amount
of your extra days outside of the programme activities is not more than three days. The costs of your
potential stay in Slovakia outside of the period November 18th afternoon to November 25th in the
morning have to be borne by yourself and are not covered by the organisers.


Following the rules of ERASMUS+, the costs of your international travel are covered up to the following
total amounts (if you prove that your travel falls into the corresponding distance band). Costs exceeding
the indicated amounts have to be borne by yourself. Here is an overview of travel grant per distance

https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/programme-guide/part-b/three-keyactions/key-action-1/mobility-project-for-young-people-and-youth-workers_en  (Copy & Paste into your search bar)



The deadline for receiving your applications is September 5th.

Please send your CV & Motivation Letter to advit_team@yahoo.com

LET’S BLOG – Blog Literacy for Online Generation

In the 21st century digital technology widens options for choosing when and how to
contribute to society. New digital citizenship platforms, where to share experiences
and support each other are springing up ever more frequently. It brings more
possibilities to become active citizen and to find more space in a given community.
In the 21st century citizenship has gone digital, giving more opportunity and choice
how we can contribute to society and make a difference to real lives all over the
world. A form of citizenship has emerged through digital storytelling and this most
popular form is blogging. Everyday more and more people become story-sharers.
They are driven by a desire to benefit society, making blogging a part of digital
citizenship. Although blogging doesn’t have a long history, it becomes everyday a
stronger online platform for individuals, businesses, social businesses.


Because we always have something to say
and blogs provide a place to say it and be
heard. Plus:
Blogging helps to improve writing and
argumentation skills
Blogging helps to live a more
intentional life
Blogging connects us with like-minded
people and gets our voice heard
Blogging gives the possibility to inspire
and help others
Blogging makes world a better place




1. To raise awareness about Media Literacy and Digital Participation among
2. To support participants in exploring the concept of Active Citizenship not only
in everyday life but also throughout ICT tools, namely online platforms for
3. To raise awareness of participants about role of online communication for
shaping and sharing opinions among young people
4. To increase participants’ teamwork ability as well as their strategic thinking and to
put in practice theoretical knowledge on the subject
5. To provide participants with technical tools and practical information on how
to create and develop a blog as well as to foster their digital abilities

Blogging; Media Literacy; Active
Citizenship; Digital Natives; Storytelling
6 from each country. Total 24. 5 participants (19-27 years old) and 1 youth
leader (no age limits) from each country
6-12 September, 2019
5 September, 2019
13 September, 2019
Each participant is responsible for arranging
his/her medical insurance
The project is financed by the Erasmus+
programme, Italian National Agency



Deadline: August 13th 2019

Interested candidates are asked to send their CV and Motivation Letter (In English) to advit_team@yahoo.com with the subject “Let’s Blog”



Help, we are looking for Friends!

Right now ADVIT Moldova are offering the chance to become a local friend to one of our new and current volunteers. This is an opportunity to improve your language skills and take a chance to make in international buddy.





What is a Local Friend.
A Local Friend is a person who provides guidance and help to the volunteers as they adjust to their new chaotic life in a completely new city.
A Local Friend has the responsibility to help  the volunteers and the Local Friend should do their best to fulfill their tasks




Why a Local Friend is important.

  1. A new volunteer usually does not know the language and/or the city.
  2. You can be the first local friend the volunteer will ever have.
  3. You will help the volunteer acclimate and adjust to a new environment and a new culture.
  4. You can give tips on how life in this city works, not only for day to day living but also for fun.













What you will gain.

  1. Communication & Language skills.
  2. Opportunities to participate in Training Programmes
  3. Exposure to new cultures and perspectives.
  4. Experience in an international environment.
  5. The chance to go on ESC and Youth Exchanges yourself.


Benefits of the Local Friend

  1. You might make a friend whose country in the future you can visit.
  2. And your horizons will definitely broaden.


Interested candidates are asked to send their CV and Application (Below) to sending.advit@gmail.com with the subject “Local Friend”.


Local Friends Application

Long Term E.S.C. in Trento, Italy

Infopack for you!

Caritas Diocesi Bolzano-Bressanone

Dear applicant!
Thank you for your interest in our project! In this little document you can find all the information which
can be useful before applying.
Contact person: Anya Ivanova, project coordinator (evs@incoweb.org)
Hosting organisation: Caritas Diocesi Bolzano-Bressanone
Some words about Bolzano
Bolzano-Bozen is an autonomous province situated in North
Italy with having its borders to Austria and Switzerland.
Together with Trento, it makes up the region of Trentino Alto
Adige/Südtirol one of the five autonomous regions in Italy.
Bolzano happens to be a unique example of cohabitation with
hosting Austro-Hungarian origined inhabitants as majority of
its population who speak an Austro-Bavarian dialect of
German, about a quarter of the province is Italian-speaking
and a small minority speaks Ladin as mother tongue, while
both Italian and German are the official languages of
Bolzano-Bozen, As a result of sheltering a multilingual and
multicultural population, Bolzano happens to be one of the
most important examples of ‘coexistence atmosphere’ in the
territory of Italy.

The province in total has more than 500.000 inhabitants and
hosts the Free University of Bozen which makes it easier to
find free time activities compared to the rest of the smaller
Italian cities. Bolzano is also blessed with the luck of being
situated among the Alps and the Dolomites which were
declared as world heritage by UNESCO in 2009. The town of Bolzano is in easy commute to Trento,
where InCo is :-), in about 40minutes by train and in about 1,5hours to Innsbruck, Austria.
Proposed activities

The volunteers will work with Caritas Diocesi Bolzano-Bressanone, its partners and other partners
working with young people and people at risk of social exclusion. The volunteers will be part of a team
and they will participate in staff meetings and in meetings with other volunteers. Volunteers will be
mainly involved in the office of the YoungCaritas but they will have the opportunity to collaborate with
other services of the Caritas Bolzano. Main activities are the following:









1. YoungCaritas:
> organization and implementation of workshops at schools about social issues and international

organization and implementation of special events such as “Corsa dei Miracoli”, “Fiera del
volontariato”, “72 ore senza compromesso”
> participation in special training about volunteering
> Holidays and recreational activities
2.Services for refugees: Casa Aaron, Casa Arnica, Casa Sara, Casa Miriam, Casa del pescatore,
Casa Anna, Casa Freinademetz (both for migrants and italians) and casa Migrantes
Volunteers will collaborate in:
> attending trainings for interculturality, migration and integration;
> organizing and implementing recreational activities for children;
> assisting children in doing their homework;
> database maintenance – entry and processing of personal information;
> supporting refugees.in their language learning path;
3. Services for homeless persons: Casa Arché, Casa Magret, Casa dell’ospitalità. Volunteers will
support the staff in:
> implementing and organizing recreational activities
> the community life as for example helping for the preparation of lunch/dinner with the guests
4. For people with AIDS: Casa Emmaus and Iris Caffè
> implementing and organizing recreational activities as well as special events
5. Disabled people
>implementing and organizing recreational activities as well as special events
6. People with addiction problems: Binario 7
> implementing and organizing recreational activities as well as special events
7. People with psychic problems: Centro diurno
> plan some recreational activities
> bring in some new ideas
> help by cooking
Volunteers will work 30-35 hours/week, from Monday to Friday. Sometimes the volunteer will be
requested to work also during weekends. In any case, volunteers will not work more than 5 days/week
and will always have 2 days off

Food and accommodation
You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service. A room will be
provided at the disposition of the volunteer in the Caritas building in the centre of Bolzano. Kitchen
facilities of the structure are open to the utilization of the volunteer.
The volunteer will receive a monthly amount of money to sustain food expenses. Kitchen facilities are
available in the Caritas building in the centre of Bolzano. The volunteer will have the possibility to use
the common kitchen of the centre where s/he has her accommodation means as well.

Useful links
Here you can find the website of CARITAS: http://www.caritas.bz.it/it/informazioni/index/1-0.html
Here you can find the website of InCo, the coordinating organisation: http://www.incoweb.org/eng

If you would like to know more about the EVS experience, check out the blog of the volunteers:


Interested candidates are asked to send their CV and Application (Below) to advit_team@yahoo.com with the subject “ESC in Trento – Italy”.


Deadline 07/08/2019


International workcamp in Lousã – Portugal

We are looking for english speeking participants for a training in Lousã – Portugal


Duration: 15.07.19 – 26.07.19



Olá malta!

We are welcoming you to our two-weeks adventure in Portugal, the land of beautiful nature, wonderfularchitecture, friendly people, tasty pastel de nata and bacalhau. Here you will experience the brightest sun and ocean of light, the breathtaking mountains and the freshest rivers. Become a part of our workcamp and enjoy it!



Activar – Associação de Cooperação da Lousã Activar is an association created in 2000 that is involved in developing several community projects of social and cultural nature, in the areas of childhood, youth, nature tourism and professional training. “We activate the place, we value people” We are an NGO that aims to promote the local development of the county of Lousã in an integrated and sustainable way and in cooperation with other entities, in a perspective of improving poeple’s quality of life. We have been working in the field of youth for more than 15 years, organizing international workcamps and hosting and sending volunteers in Erasmus+ programme. +info: www.activar.org | www.facebook.com/activarlousa



The workcamp will take place in several villages of Lousã, a town surrounded by mountains, natural and cultural heritage, located 30 km from Coimbra. Lousã gives you an opportunity to discover a fantastic county, full of life, where you can enjoy the magnificent Serra da Lousã, sporting and cultural activities and a range of local products.



– Volunteers shall work 6 hours per day
– Volunteers will cook together in special teams
– There will be two free days to do activities within the group
– The camp is coordinated by 4 camp-leaders

The camp leaders will work together with the volunteers, but please DO NOT EXPECT that the camp leaders will organize everything for the group, so be open for teamwork! Workcamps are run according to the principles of communal living, group decision making, equal participation and collective problem solving. The quality of the workcamp depends very much on YOUR INPUT, IDEAS and INITIATIVE!



– Willingness to work and to learn more about the topic
– Participation from the very first till the very last day
– Engagement in daily tasks (shopping, cooking, cleaning, setting the table, etc.)
– Help and shared responsibility by making suggestions for group activities, discussions, games, etc.
– Commitment to a group experience and to making decisions and solving problems together
– Respect for your peers and people in the hosting project

MOST IMPORTANT is that you are flexible and act in a friendly and responsible way. In a workcamp it is possible that things do not go according to the original plan. It can happen that things are organized differently than described in the info-sheet. As we are a non-profit organization (who also works with volunteers) please be open-minded and prepared for changes.

Other qualities that are welcome in your workcamp:
– Bringing own ideas for games and leisure activities
– Being ready to take initiative for the project and the workcamp group



– Value the cultural and ethnographic heritage of the parish of Lousã;
– Restore the fountains, community wash houses and irrigation tanks which are a cultural heritage in several villages of the parish;
– Raise awareness among participants and the local community of the importance of preserving the historical and cultural identity of regions, particularly through architectural heritage;
– Promote the historical and cultural heritage of the region;
– Value volunteering as a tool for local development (whether on the cultural, environmental or touristical level)
– Promote cultural exchange among young people from different countries around the world;
– Promote intercultural exchange between the young participants and the local community.



– Cleaning fountains, community wash houses and irrigation tanks as well as its surrounding spaces;
– Painting and restoring the fountains and community wash houses;
– Cleaning the surrounding area of public spaces used by the community (sports court, former primary school building);
– Shopping for groceries, cooking and cleaning the place where the group will cook and eat.

Note: The participants will work outdoors for 6 hours a day,
with the support of other tecnicians whenever necessary.



On the leisure time, the group will have the opportunity to know Coimbra and the old University, the Atlantic ocean, the river beaches in Lousã and at the evenings participate in some cultural activities with the local community. Lousã is a town surrounded by nature and there are many places to explore, relax and get together, both in the town and in the mountains.




Participants will be lodged in accommodation in the former primary school building in Levegadas (4Km from the center of Lousã). There is a kitchen where the group can cook and eat and big rooms with mattresses to spend the night (sleeping bags are needed). The camp includes 5 meals: breakfast; morning coffee break; lunch; afternoon coffee break, dinner and evening coffee break.


Interested candidates are asked to send their CV and Motivation letter to sending.advit@gmail.com with the subject “International workcamp in Lousã – Portugal”.


Deadline for applycation: 08.07.19

Training in Stockholm, Sweden

We are looking for english speeking participants for a training course in Stockholm, Sweden.


Duration: 27.10.2019 – 02.11.2019


What is the training about?

The youth exchange aims at training young people in Sweden and participating European countries in project management skills, with key elements in planning and implementing a social project, presentation skills and led evaluation to further empower and encourage the youth. The training is also arranged in order to foster intercultural understanding between and within the groups, in order to empower the youth to carry on with the local change they desire.


Who can participate?

Young people (age 16-25) interested in the topic. No previous experience is required, but we put emphasis on the motivation to participate in this exchange.

The participant must;

✓ be able to understand and communicate in English.
✓ be willing to participate actively in the workshops
✓ be interested in learning about other cultures and societies of Europe

This youth exchange will gather 30 young people aged 16 to 25 from five countries, including leaders for each group. We strive to have a varied group of people from different backgrounds and experiences and have a 50/50 variation of male and female participants (people who identify themselves as male or female).


Aim and objectives

The youth exchange aims to empower young people in Sweden and Europe to start and lead their own social project, but also foster intercultural dialogue between the youth groups through study visits and interesting activities. Moreover, this is a great opportunity to get new friends from whole Europe and to have a lot of fun together! More specifically the project aims;

✓ To understand the processes of setting up a project for social change based on norm criticism and to challenge structures of violence
✓ To plan and implement a project; define, target, evaluate, cooperation
✓ To learn by doing; promotion, budgeting
✓ To promote exchanges between young people in Europe
✓ To empower the participants in order to engage and contribute to their local community
✓ To validate and recognise the learned competencies gained throughout the project.


The methodology

The whole project will be based on non-formal education which means;

★ Flexibility, learner-centred, contextualised and based on the promotion of participatory approaches;
★ Horizontal cooperation, where facilitators and experts create a shared learning path with participants and trainees, encouraging the exchange of knowledge;
★ Personal empowerment through self-esteem raising, development of the self-confidence, competences and skills development.


About the training

The training “DRIV” is a three day training course that teaches young people how to run a project, from the initial idea phase to the completion of the project. It discusses the different roles of the people involved in the project, leadership, planning, funding, time management and budgets, and how to implement it into a successful project. It is important that the participants understand the different steps when planning a successful project and that they are committed to turning this into a successful social action.

The group will visit social entrepreneurs and projects which may serve as an inspiration to the young people, and further contribute to their cultural exchange and intercultural learning experience.


Tentative schedule for the Youth Exchange

Morning 9:00-12:00 Afternoon 2:00-4:30 PM Evening 6:00-8:30 PM
Sun 27th Oct Arrival Welcoming evening
Mon 28th Oct Introduction Workshop project

management Free evening

Tue 29th Oct

Workshop project
management – creating
your idea

Inspirational visit –
Multicultural centre Intercultural activity

Wed 30th Oct

Workshop project
management – group
processes and creating
your project

Study visit Youth club
Dörren Documentary, movie night

Thu 31st Oct

Workshop project
management – creating
your project

Intercultural activities and
project visit Free evening

Fri 1st Nov

Workshop project
management –
presentation of projects

Evaluation and building on
competences Goodbye party

Sat 2nd Nov Departure


Financial conditions

For participants: Please do not make any travel arrangements until you have been confirmed by email as a participant on this event. Once confirmed you will receive a detailed info sheet with the travel budget, meeting point and contact persons. Practical arrangements Travels: Participants and/or their respective sending organisation book their own travels to/from Sweden. PeaceWorks will make reimbursements latest one month after participants/organisation has purchased the tickets. Reimbursement will be made to the sending organisation. Participants has to save all original receipts if they want reimbursement. PeaceWorks arrange accommodation, food and local travels within Stockholm. The participants will be accommodated in a hostel close to PeaceWorks office in Stockholm. There will be separated rooms for girls and boys. Food will be vegan (no animal products) and if you have dietary restrictions or allergies you write that in the application form.

Special needs: Sending organisation has to inform well in advance if certain material or assistance is needed (like hearing help devices etc). Learning agreement All participants will have to sign a Learning Agreement in order to be accepted to the youth exchange. This will be sent to participants once confirmed.


Interested candidates are asked to send their CV and Motivation letter to sending.advit@gmail.com with the subject “Training in Stockholm, Sweden”.


Deadline for application: 15.07.2019



Don´t miss any open calls and follow ADVIT on Instagram and Facebook!

Volunteering in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

We are looking for a 18 to 30 year old Moldovan participant for a project in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.



June/July2019 to December 2019


Description of the project:

“3E: EVS Eastern Express” part 2, foresees participation of 3 volunteers from Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine in 6-months project hosted by Active Bulgarian Society /ABS/ in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. The main “3EVS” idea is to give an opportunity to 3 young people with economic and educational obstacles from the partner countries to enter their path of social development, both personal and professional and in the same time to contribute to the reinforcement of cultural dialogue, youth policy and European awareness in the area of Blagoevgrad and Sofia.

The relationship of the Union with Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Georgia is guided by the new Association Agreements, including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas – the Association agenda states that one of the priorities of EU is to ensure assessment of fundamental rights and “encourage a strategic approach to youth policy and improve exchanges and cooperation in the field of non-formal education for young people and youth workers, as a means of promoting intercultural dialogue and supporting civil society, including through EU programmes in the youth field”.

“3E: EVS Eastern Express” part 2 aims to empower young people from Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia to learn from Union practices in the field of youth work and than apply the knowledge received to the youth field back home thus promote European values and cooperation and non-formal education among their peers. Following Erasmus+ programme objectives, the project equity and inclusion by offering voluntary placement to people with fewer opportunities, in particular supporting young people with economical and educational obstacles and thus also at long term perspective contribute to their employability potential and overall sense of well-being thanks to equipping them with transversal skills.


Thus “3EVS” specific objectives are:

-to give opportunity to 24 young people with fewer opportunities from partner countries to benefit from long term voluntary service throughout which they will gain new skills and competences in the field of youth work and communication;

-to promote active participation, intercultural dialogue, European citizenship and Erasmus+ in Bulgaria and partner countries;

-to help with the professional orientation of the young people in Europe – create an enabling learning environment that will allow volunteers to obtain new or foster existing transversal skills, in order to increase their chances to find a job;

-to boost the skills of young people for self-actualization and self-realization in the labor market;

-to ensure capacity building in the field of EVS project management, transfer of knowledge and best practice sharing among the consortium and as a long term result to empower collaboration with EU partner countries;

-to encourage the active participation of young people in public life and to inspire them to act as multipliers of the new knowledge and skills in their local communities;

-to provide our volunteers with competences in non-formal and informal education and training (during the voluntary service they will develop practical skills for working with groups – facilitating group processes, discussions, debates, trainings, public speaking, management of youth projects and many others).


Main activities:

Among activities offered to the volunteers are: support ABS communication channels including social media and communication with international partners, supporting organizations of international mobility activities such as trainings and youth exchanges, providing information about Erasmus+ and learning mobility to the local youth, organizing local social events / e.g. chat clubs/, language tandems and other interactive activities for young people, working with Eurodesk database and many others. Each volunteer will be encouraged to propose own personal project idea, an activity that shall be beneficial both for the target group ABS is working on the daily basis and for the volunteer(s) themselves in terms of learning objectives. The main methodology used throughout the project is dialogue and problem-based learning, learning by doing and direct engagement in activities. As a result, all three volunteers will develop a greater awareness of European citizenship and various transversal skills including such as digital skills, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, social skills and international communication, management and presentation skills and others. They will also develop various skills they can use in the labor market such as knowledge of methods of non-formal learning; knowledge on how an organization is organized; ability to work in a multicultural team. All this will have direct impact on volunteers’ employability.

On the local level the project will impact young people who are direct target group of ABS – they will benefit from volunteers’ engagement in youth work, their ideas and commitment, intercultural dialogue.

Volunteers’ work will include supporting our daily office activities like answering emails, contacting with partners, supporting all our projects and initiatives, providing information to the local community about the EVS and Erasmus+ programs, holding presentations visiting every month the universities and schools in the region. We are also Eurodesk multiplier, so the future volunteers will have the opportunity to explore the Eurodesk online database and provide information to local youth who are interested. We would like to share our experience with non-formal education and to equip the volunteers with all the necessary tools in order to provide professional career orientation for better social and professional integration. Also, each week the volunteers will have the chance to organize their own art/eco club, where they could present their nation, language, traditions, customs etc. Also, if there are interested people in our city, the volunteers can organize a free language course as a social initiative to the local community. Moreover, they can start helping school students who had difficulties with foreign language or organize language Tandem events. We will encourage and support volunteers with realization of their own ideas that fit our organization’s policy and priorities.



The volunteers will be hosted in shared rooms with another volunteer/ from the same sex/ in their own flat with bathroom, terrace and kitchen, fully furnished with all the necessary kitchen utensils.

The volunteers will be engaged in activities 30 – 35 working hours a week according to the programme guide.

Each volunteer will receive a fixed amount of financial support each month: for food 110 euro and for pocket money 90 euro / in total 200 euro/ to cover all their daily expenses.

Travel expenses of up to 275€ and visa expenses of up to 225€ are covered.



The coordinating organization provides the volunteer with a mentor’s support who will help the volunteer set learning goals and together they may evaluate them after the project has finished. Also, the mentor can help the volunteer with emergency situations, such as going to the doctor, or orientation and information about the local life and all events happening. Mentor will also help each volunteer overcome the cultural shock in the new environment.


Language support:

Even though the working language is English, still each volunteer will have the opportunity to attend a language course through the OLS /online linguistic support/ system. Language support will be arranged by coordinating institution. As a coordinating organization, we will provide other opportunities to practice Bulgarian (tandem meetings, chat clubs, thematic evenings, etc.). Moreover, our team will assist the learning process of each volunteer.


Volunteers’ profile:

18-30 years old young person who is interested in a volunteering projects. There will be given priority to unemployed, finished or excluded of the formal education system, or with economical difficulties youth. The most important criteria in the selection process will be the motivation of the participants. The communication level of English language skills and basic computer skills will be a plus.


Interested candidates are asked to fill in the applycation from. For more information contact the ADVIT team:  advit_team@yahoo.com

webside of the project


Deadline: 01.07.2019