Training course (Un)mapped grounds in Slovenia

  • Training course topic: (Un)mapped grounds organized by YOUTH CENTRE OF DRAVINJA VALLEY
  • Activity dates: 16.03.2020 – 24.03.2020
  • Number of participants: 2
  • Deadline: 24.01.2020
  • Location: Gorenje nad Zrečami, Slovenia


Youth centre of Dravinja valley was established in 2003 by Students club of Dravinja valley and is a private institute and social enterprise that is working with youth on local, regional, national and international level. Our vision is activation of young people, promotion of active citizenship, raising cultural competencies, increasing social responsibility, promoting youth mobility and non-formal education. Youth centre of Dravinja valley also provides space for the operation of a number of youth associations in the municipality, music groups, choirs and other organizations. In the local area we are perceived as an important player, we are achieving the highest ratings among youth centres on the national level, internationally we are among the most active youth organizations.

Our core activities are divided into 4 pillars: youth centre, cultural event centre Patriot, intergenerational centre and social incubator Kreaktor. In “youth centre” our main activities are youth mobility projects (organizing, hosting and sending), local volunteering promotion and activation, support to other organizations, intercultural dialogue activities, non-formal education
modules development, implementation of youth, sport and cultural events. In cultural event centre Patriot we take care of promotion of young unknown bands, organize concerts, performances, reading clubs, exhibitions etc. Intergenerational center is carrying out activities that connect generations (daily activities). Program pillar “Kreaktor” promotes social entrepreneurship, co-
working and carries out activities that gives youngsters knowledge and increases their employability.

More info about the organization on


Youth centre of Dravinja Valley (MCDD) is a highly experienced organization in the field of youth work and a recognized player at the local, regional, national and international levels. During the years we have been noticing that the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation of youth workers is very hard, mostly because of unstable funding, which resulted in a rapid change of staff. The youth workers who form a permanent core of MCDD are therefore prone to burnout, occasional non-motivation and loss of contact with youth. That is why we have decided to establish a model of sustainable organizational development and staffing monitoring plan. The model takes into account various internal and external factors that affect the youth worker, organization and youth work as such. The establishment of a sustainable MCDD development plan was a systematic process. Due to good results within MCDD, we wish to share our model with partner organizations of the project.

Goals of the project:
• mapping out youth workers’ personal and professional characteristics and the impact of both on youth work and the development of the organization;
• who is the ‘’ideal’’ youth worker and how we want to get closer to that ideal;
• the circumstances and working conditions of the organizations in which youth workers operate and how to influence them;
• the challenges of youth work and how to address them through collaboration, the exchange of good practices and different methods;
• the traps of getting burnout at work and how to avoid it;
• the importance of an internal balance for effective communication and relationship with the outside world;
• identifying the challenges with which young people, youth workers and society in general in partner countries and other societies are facing;
• the importance and effectiveness of methods for building healthy societies, that are emotionally engaging and at the same time have sufficient space for critical reflection and judgment;
• the situation of marginalized, discriminated target groups who, due to various systemic and social barriers, do not have a real opportunity to access social goods;
• creative power of youth worker and the creative power of teamwork to address different social phenomena through youth work;
• the importance of a program such as E + for sustainable development of youth work,
• activation of youth workers and young people;
• to promote Erasmus+ program: Youth in action and opportunities offered by the program in the field of youth;
• to promote Youthpass as a tool that contributes to strengthening the social recognition of youth work.

Results of the project:
• providing participants with a tool for becoming aware of the state of different personal dimensions within themselves and definition of themselves and their own work;
• participants will learn/create/share new methods of work with young people for addressing the various and current needs of young people and encouraging their active participation;
• issuing an e-publication in which the methods and the identified challenges and possible solutions will be collected;
• increasing the visibility and importance of youth work.


From each country we’re looking for:
• 2 youth workers/leaders;
• with a low or medium level of experience in youth work;
• between 18 and 35 years old;
• with at least basic English language skills;
• with an interest in gaining knowledge and skills for professional and personal development within youth work;
• with an interest in sharing methods and tools after the training course;
• fully motivated to participate in 100% of activities.

Additional VERY IMPORTANT notes:

  • Please find the cheapest way of travelling. You are eligible only to use public transfer. Costs of coming by car or car rental, taxi fares, … will not be reimbursed. Before booking you have to get approval from our side – Mladinski center Dravinjske doline!
  •  The meeting point will be Youth centre of Dravinja Valley located at Žička cesta 4a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice. From there we will provide transport to the venue of the training course in Gorenje pri Zrečah. Due to that 5€ per person of reimbursement money will be deducted.
  • If participants spend more than the maximum reimbursement amount, it will be participants’ responsibility to cover the rest of the traveling cost. If participants spend less than maximum reimbursement amount, they will be only covered for the amount they spent.
  • The reimbursement will be done by bank transfer, only after we receive all original travel documents (receipts, ticket, boarding passes, …). We need all your original receipts, tickets and boarding passes so make sure you keep all your original travel documents for both ways!


Organizers will provide accommodation and food during the whole period of the training course. There is no participation fee. The accommodation and food costs during the training course will be fully covered within the project. Due to the fact that we will provide transport from Slovenske Konjice to Gorenje 5€ per person of reimbursement money will be deducted.



Training course will take place at the inn Gostišče Smogavc, from 16. 3. until 24. 3. 2020.
Location: Gostišče Smogavc
Address: Gorenje nad Zrečami 27, 3214 Zreče, Slovenia



A few professional photos from the venue:


Apply by sending us your CV and Motivation letter (marked with a project name) on

Feel free to contacts us for any questions