ADVIT stays for Association for Development, Voluntary Service and Information for Youth. “Without borders” means “no boundaries” and also “without limits”.
ADVIT is a non-political, non-profit, non-governmental organization, started by and for young people, to involve Moldovan young people, with and without professional experience, into programs at national and international levels in the fields of education, culture, ecology, historical heritage protection and helping disadvantaged people, by contributing to the development of a more peaceful society, to the decrease of social injustice.
ADVIT started as an initiative in 2002 by organizing weekend work camps, involving youth with disadvantaged backgrounds and international volunteers. In 2004 ADVIT was officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova and was acknowledged as a non-profit in January of 2007.
From 2007 to January 2015 ADVIT was accepted as an Associate Member of the ICYE Federation. The International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE) is an international non-profit youth exchange organization promoting youth mobility, intercultural learning and international voluntary service. ICYE organizes long and short-term exchanges combining home stays with voluntary service in a variety of community service projects in more than 37 countries around the world.
A lot of activities ADVIT is doing in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps program. LINK
Our main goals are:
- to promote dialogue and contact between young people from all over the world;
- to create favorable conditions for cooperation between youth from different cultures and nations;
- to develop the spirit of volunteerism among youth
- to provide information and youth education according current aspects of Europe;
- to inform youth in such spheres like: education, culture and social activities;
- to create and coordinate youth exchange programs;
- to study national cultural-history heritage of Moldova;
- to promote health style of life between youth
- to develop youth mobility tourism.
Advit Mission
ADVIT Moldova aims to promote cultural understanding and youth empowerment through opportunities of international exchange and voluntary work. Through volunteering with ADVIT Moldova, participants gain valuable work experience, learn a new language and develop important vocational, interpersonal and cultural skills, while in return offering their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm for the benefit of the projects that host them.